Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A New Blog

I have really been thinking about how I don't really "Fit" with any other moms. How could anyone possibly understand what goes on at my house everyday? I am starting this blog to hopefully connect with other moms who are struggling with the same things. I am also going to have to revisit my memory bank for some of the things we experienced during the pregnancy, birth and NICU stay for our twins. Things that I have pushed aside while emarking on the day to day adventure with the kids.


Mommakitten said...

Oh honey trust me! I never feel like I "fit" with any other moms. TTTS is so scary in it self... and then you add twins and NICU scares and older siblings to boot! Romance? Forget about it! I love the new blog! I am going to put you on my reading list <3 I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Brossettelewis said...

I found you jumping blogs from TTTS to TTTS and I so agree with you. "They" have no idea. I completely relate to the dinner alone where everyone cries. I have a 4.5, 2.5, and 9mo TTTS survivors. It's entertaining to say the least.